Sunday, October 11, 2009

Celebrating Love

Today as I sit here,
gazing out of the window,
I wonder if in your sleep
You dream about me

I remember the day
we first met
The way you made me feel
things looked all set. 

Your glowing smile,
Your dreamy eyes,
Your smell and your touch
I still feel the warmth they bring to me. 

Today, we are tied into one knot,
And all I can say is, you mean a lot. 

With strands of care you dried my tears
Your gentleness, dispelled my fears
Your wisdom helped me understand
And patiently you held my hand to give me courage 

The way, you hold me close, when I am sad;
The way you can make me laugh
for absolutely no reason at all.
The way you make me feel
that you'll be there to catch me when I fall. 
You make me feel loved, with everything you do.

Just want you to know
No matter it’s day or night,
Sickness or health,
Sadness or joy
The love you have bought into my lives
will be always there for you!

* one of the very few poems I wrote

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Restoring what has been deprived... an amazing video

I remember reading somewhere "Man is an animal" and by 'man' I mean human beings. But is man really an animal?? I have been pondering over this since I came across this thought provoking video sometime back.

Had we been animals, would the world be a much better place to live? Men deprive fellow men of life, relations and feelings. That's what is happening across the world. War in the name of religion, God and boundaries deprive thousands of men and women of their very right to live and breathe, a mother of her child, a wife of her husband, a child of his parents and so on. 

Often while chasing our dreams, our desires and satisfying our quest to possess something, we end up depriving someone of something. In our own personal space, everyday lives, we might just encounter numerous such instances when our selfish motives deprives a relation of its sanctity and sanity.

We see small children working in small shops as labourers, households as helps. Isn't that depriving a child of his/her childhood, no matter we are paying for the services being rendered? We hear news of barbarism and cruelty against innocent wild animals for their skin, teeth, furs etc. etc. Isn't all this deprivation in some form or the other!

Depriving is stealing and stealing is a sin. Do we care to restore what has been lost because of us?The video depicts how a ferocious animal restores what he caused the weak and feeble baby monkey to lose. Can we (humans) be like the so called animals, who have a little better heart than ours, who are a bit more compassionate than us and who know to restore what has been deprived.